The club has a special Overlander Badge which is awarded to owners of vehicles which have completed trips of significant distance. The distance varies according to the age of the vehicle. For more information about qualifying for the Overlander Badge, download an information sheet and an application form.
Note: this badge is available for non-club members transiting Alice Springs as well as for MECCA members.
MECCA is an approved Club under the NT Dept of Transport Regulations regarding registration and operation of vintage, veteran or classic vehicles under special conditions with concessional registration. The Club guidelines and Form R42 - Application for Club Registration and more information on the scheme can be found here on the NT Government web-site.
Please provide two copies of Form R42 when requesting signatures from the Club Committee - one for you to take to MVR, and one for Club records. R42 forms can be only signed by President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar or Public Officer. No member approved for signing can approve their own applications.